Big thanks to everyone at Blazefest 2015

By Xerosun, Wednesday, 25th March 2015 | 0 comments
Filed under: Gigs, News.

Xerosun would like to thank Darren and Dawn Shields-Pettitt, the organisers of Blazefest for having us along. We had a great night, got to meet some great people and were honoured to have played this great charity gig. If you missed it, you can view great photos from George Pinnock, Stephen Brophy Photography and Liam Kielt for The Thin Air magazine over on our Blazefest 2015 gallery section. After recovering from the night, Darren wrote a great review of the night...

"Ok, now I have finally recovered from Blazefest 5, its time to write my review on the event.
First up were Selene, this young band were playing their 2nd gig ever, but you wouldn't have guessed it. Their symphonic metal, was a great way to start the gig, Thomas & Cameron form a great rhythm section and John is a more than capable stringsman. Shonagh has a phenomenal voice and I really enjoyed their set and they are a band with bags of potential.

Second was The Irontown Diehards, this is a band filled with experience, and one of the most talented guitarists in Andrew, and wee Gordy is a cracking skinsman, Mark is a great bassist who never stopped, and vocalist Phil is a quality frontman who commands the stage. They are the best dressed band in rock! Their set was hard rock of the highest quality!

Third up was Donum Dei, this is a band who just continue to grow and improve, Alastair and Dean are a ferocious metal heart beat, Stuart's guitar work is great and Thomas is a guy who grows into the role of frontman with each gig, a band who have serious talent for such a young age.
Next band Xerosun I know turned a few heads, I have been following them for a few years and knew the direction change they had taken. this is a band who are full of power and force. Marcin and Damian as the rhythm section provide skill and power to the songs, Fiachra and Gareth provided the power and melody with the fretwork (including an 8 string guitars!!!) and Martyna provided the talking point of the night. Most people seeing her come on stage were thinking it was more symphonic metal, well how wrong they were. This lady has seriously powerful lungs and a growl from the bowels of hell! Think Arch Enemy. A great set by our Dublin friends!

Next Conjuring Fate, what can I say about these guys, this line up is pure class, Phil and Karl on guitars were on fire, Steven and Bogdan providing the rhythm, and the NI Ozzy Tommy on vocals, their brand of metal is fast, powerful, and entertaining. These guys are tighter than a "small" t-shirt on me!

After the fate was the Screaming Eagles. A band who's brand of hard rock gets everyone moving, in Adrian they have undoubtedly one of the best guitarists in the country, Ryan and Kyle relentlessly provide the power and rhythm to the songs, and Chris's gravelly/bluesy vocal tones provide the finishing touch. A band who are as much fun as they are talented!!

Next was my muckers Sinocence, playing their 3rd Blazefest, these guys always put on a show, Jim bounces around stage like a red bull fuelled Zebedee but he plays a mean bass, Anthony and Morrow form a formidable partnership on guitars, and Morrows vocals can be powerful and melodic, and Davy he is alright! Only kidding I love Davy and he is a talented sticksman. Make sure you get their new cd!

Headliners Maverick, these guys deserved to headline, Mike is a great drummer and seriously talented, Ryan and Richard are a phenomenal, ferocious dual guitar attack, Richie a seriously great bassist, and David has such a powerful scream and a frontman who demands your attention, check out their album Quid Pro Quo. They are going places and brought Blazefest to a phenomenal close.
Dawn and I are truly proud of Blazefest 5, each band played great sets, and everyone who attended seemed to have a great night. The craic was mighty as they say. A huge THANKS to everyone who made it such a great day." - Darren Shields-Pettitt

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